Here’s Why Some Independent Stores Get a Bad Reputation

This is one of the reasons our industry has a bad reputation and customer confidence in independent stores is so low.

We were asked to look at this iPhone 6 from another store. They’d tried fitting four different LCDs and none were giving a display. We managed to repair the iPhone, but there was a number of issues with their attempted repair.

  • One of the screws on the bottom of the housing was missing and filler had been put in place to cover the hole.
  • They didn’t remove the red sticker seen in the first picture. This is supposed to be removed before installing any other parts!
  • When removing the LCD connector they knocked a component off the board (circled in the second and third pictures). This required micro soldering to replace. An easy enough repair for us, but above the capabilities of a lot of other stores in the area. This shouldn’t have been knocked off in the first place- and we’re sure if the screen had worked this would have been handed back to the customer with the component missing.

The cheapest or fastest repair centre is not always the best. Like some other stores we could fit substandard parts, miss out half the screws when putting a device back together or offer a seven day warranty (unlike our three month one). However, we believe in taking pride in our work and that every repair should be done correctly. Whether you trust us with a £40 device or a £1000 one, we treat each with the same care and attention you expect.

iPhone 6 with screen attached... and sticker still (wrongly) in place.

iPhone 6 with screen attached… and sticker still (wrongly) in place.

The missing component before we replaced it.

The missing component before we replaced it.

Missing component replaced and tested as working.

Missing component replaced and tested as working.


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